segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2019


 Resultado de imagem para ALBUM KILLERS






Another Life

Iron Maiden

 As I lay here lying on my bed sweet voices come into my head. 

Oh what it is, I wanna know please won't you tell me it's got to go. 

There's a feeling that's inside me telling me to get away. 

But I'm so tired of living I might as well end today. 


Iron Maiden

 (Steve Harris) 

Walk away! 

 Look out now, baby won't you take me away, 

 Sittin' here its gonna be a new day. 

Gotta sing my song and I can't go wrong, 

Gotta keep on roaming, gotta sing my song. 

What you feeling when you hold me tight? 

 I'm gonna cuddle up with you tonight, gonna get you feeling so

listen child don't you see there's a cure? 

Anywhere got to get you away, feels so good think it's gonna be a 

new day. 

 I'm gonna get my song till I can't go on, 

I'm gonna keep on roaming gonna sing my song. 

 I want you to sing it, sing it, sing it, sing it along. 

I want you to sing it, sing it, sing it, sing it along. 

Innocent Exile

Iron Maiden


( Steve Harris) 

 My life is so empty, nothing to live for. 

 My mind is all confusion, 'cos I defied the law. 

 When you weren't there to help me, I lost my mind and ran. 

I never had no trouble before this all began. 

My life is so empty, nothing to live for. 

My mind is all confusion, 'cos I defied the law. 

When you weren't there to help me, I lost my mind and ran. 

I never had no trouble before this all began. 

 I'm running away, no where to go. 

I'm lost and tired and I just don't know. Yeah... 

They say I killed a woman, they know it isn't true. 

They're just trying to frame me, and all because of you. Yeah... 


Iron Maiden

 (Paul Di'Anno, Steve Harris) 

You walk through the subway, his eyes burn a hole in your back, 

A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack. 

Scream for mercy, he laughs as he's watching you bleed, 

Killer behind you, his blood lust defies all his needs. 

My innocent victims are slaughtered with wrath and despise, 

The mocking religion of hatred that burns in the night. 

I have no one, I'm bound to destroy all this greed, 

A voice inside me compelling to satisfy me. 

I can see what a knife's meant to be, 

And you'll never know how I came to forsee, see, see. 

My faith in believing is stronger than lifelines and ties, 

With the glimmer of metal my moment is ready to strike. 

Death call arises, a scream breaks the still of the night, 

Another tomorrow, remember to walk in the light! 

 I have found you, and now there is no place to run, 

Excitement shakes me, oh God help me what have I done?! 

Oooh yeah, I've done it! YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH! 

You walk through the subway, my eyes burn a hole in your back, 

A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack. 

Scream for mercy, he laughs as he's watching you bleed, 

Killer behind you, my blood lust defies all my needs. 

Oooh look out, I'm coming for you! Ahahahaha! 

Murders In The Rue Morgue

Iron Maiden

Compositor:Stephen Percy Harris

 (Steve Harris) 

 I remember it as plain as day 

although it happened in the dark of the night. 

I was strolling through the streets of Paris 

 and it was cold it was starting to rain. 

And then I heard a piercing scream 

 and I rushed to the scene of the crime 

but all I found was the butchered remains 

of two girls lay side by side. 

 Murders in the Rue Morgue 

someone call the Gendarmes 

Murders in the Rue Morgue 

 run before the killers go free 

There's some people coming down the street 

at last there's someone heard my call 

I can't understand why they're pointing at me 

 I never done nothing at all. 

But I must have got some blood on my hands 

because everyone's shouting at me 

I can't speak French so I couldn't explain 

 and like a fool I started running away. 

Murders in the Rue Morgue 

someone call the Gendarmes 

Murders in the Rue Morgue 

 am I ever gonna be free. 

And now I've gotta get away from the arms of the law. 

All France is looking for me. 

I've gotta find my way across the border for sure down the south to Italy. 

Murders in the Rue Morgue 

someone call the Gendarmes 

Murders in the Rue Morgue I'm never going home. 

 Well I made it to the border at last 

But I can't erase the scene from my mind 

Anytime somebody stares at me, well 

I just start running blind 

Well I'm moving through the shadows at night 

 Away from the staring eyes 

Any day they'll be looking for me 

 'Cause I know I show the signs of... 

Murders in the Rue Morgue 

running from the Gendarmes 

Murders in the Rue Morgue 

 running from the arms of the law 

 Murders in the Rue Morgue 

running from the Gendarmes 

Murders in the Rue Morgue 

am I ever gonna be free 

 It took so long and I'm getting so tired 

I'm running out of places to hide 

Should I return to the scene of the crime 

Where the two young victims died 

 If I could go to somebody for help 

It'd get me out of trouble for sure 

But I know that it's on my mind 

That my doctor said I've done it before. 

 Murders in the Rue Morgue 

 they're never gonna find me

 Murders in the Rue Morgue 

 I'm never going home. 

Prodigal Son

Iron Maiden

 (Steve Harris) 

Listen to me Lamia, listen to what I've got to say. 

I've got these feelings, and they won't go away. 

I've got these fears inside that'll bring me to my knees. 

Oh help me Lamia or I'm sure I'll die, oh please. 

 I feel unsettled, now I know that I've done wrong. 

 I've messed around with mystic things and magic for too long. 

I feel I'm being paid with this nightmare inside me, 

The devil's got a hold on my soul and he just won't let me be. 

 I'm on my knees, oh help me please. 

I'm on my knees, help me please. 

 Oh Lamia please try to help me. 

The devil's got a hold of my soul and he won't let me be. 

Lamia I've got this curse, I'm turning to bad. 

The devil's got a hold of my soul, and it's driving me mad. 

Oh Oh Lamia please try to help me. 

The devil's got a hold of my soul and he won't let me be. 

Lamia I've got this curse, I'm turning to bad. 

The devil's got a hold of my soul, and it's driving me mad. Oh 


Iron Maiden

Compositor:Steve Harris

 (Steve Harris) 

Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen, 

Fantasies lived times before. 

I split my brain, melt through the floor. 

 Over clouds my mind will fly, forever now I can't think why. 

My body tries to leave my soul. 

Or is it me, I just don't know. 

Mem'ries rising from the past, the future's shaddow overcast. 

Something's clutching at my head, through the darkness I'll be led. 

 Oh another time, another place. 

Oh another smile on another face. 

When you see me floating up beside you, 

You get the feeling that all my love's inside of you. 

 Please take me away, take me away, so far away. 

Please take me away, take me away, so far away. 

Please take me away, take me away, so far away. 

Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen, 

Fantasies lived times before. I split my brain, melt through the floor. 

Over clouds my mind will fly, forever now I can't think why. 

My body tries to leave my soul. Or is it me, I just don't know. 

Mem'ries rising from the past, the future's shaddow overcast. 

Something's clutching at my head, through the darkness I'll be led. 

Oh another time, another place. 

Oh another smile on another face. 

When you see me walking up beside you, 

You get the feeling that all my love's inside of you. 

Please take me away, take me away, so far away. 

Please take me away, take me away, so far away. 

Please take me away, take me away, so far away.


 Rush Hemispheres.jpg

Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres

[I. Prelude]
When our weary world was young
The struggle of the ancients first began
The gods of Love and Reason
Sought alone to rule the fate of Man

They battled through the ages
But still neither force would yield
The people were divided
Every soul a battlefield

[II. Apollo Bringer of Wisdom]
I bring truth and understanding
I bring wit and wisdom fair
Precious gifts beyond compare
We can build a world of wonder
I can make you all aware
I will find you food and shelter
Show you fire to keep you warm
Through the endless winter storm
You can live in grace and comfort
In the world that you transform

The people were delighted
Coming forth to claim their prize
They ran to build their cities
And converse among the wise
But one day the streets fell silent
Yet they knew not what was wrong
The urge to build these fine things
Seemed not to be so strong
The wise men were consulted
And the Bridge of Death was crossed
In quest of Dionysus
To find out what they had lost

[III. Dionysus Bringer of Love]
I bring love to give you solace
In the darkness of the night
In the Heart's eternal light
You need only trust your feelings
Only love can steer you right
I bring laughter, I bring music
I bring joy and I bring tears
I will soothe your primal fears
Throw off those chains of reason
And your prison disappears

The cities were abandoned
And the forests echoed song
They danced and lived as brothers
They knew love could not be wrong
Food and wine they had aplenty
And they slept beneath the stars
The people were contented
And the Gods watched from afar
But the winter fell upon them
And it caught them unprepared
Bringing wolves and cold starvation
And the hearts of men despaired

[IV. Armageddon: The Battle of Heart and Mind]
The Universe divided
As the Heart and Mind collided
With the people left unguided
For so many troubled years
In a cloud of doubts and fears
Their world was torn asunder into hollow Hemispheres

Some fought themselves, some fought each other
Most just followed one another
Lost and aimless like their brothers
For their hearts were so unclear
And the truth could not appear
Their spirits were divided into blinded Hemispheres

Some who did not fight
Brought tales of old to light
My Rocinante' sailed by night
On her final flight
To the heart of Cygnus' fearsome force
We set our course
Spiralled through that timeless space
To this immortal place

[V. Cygnus Bringer of Balance]
I have memory and awareness
But I have no shape or form
As a disembodied spirit
I am dead and yet unborn
I have passed into Olympus
As was told in tales of old
To the city of Immortals
Marble white and purest gold

I see the gods in battle rage on high
Thunderbolts across the sky
I cannot move, I cannot hide
I feel a silent scream begin inside

Then all at once the chaos ceased
A stillness fell, a sudden peace
The warriors felt my silent cry
And stayed their struggle, mystified

Apollo was atonished
Dionysus thought me mad
But they heard my story further
And they wondered, and were sad

Looking down from Olympus
On a world of doubt and fear
Its surface splintered
Into sorry Hemispheres

They sat a while in silence
Then they turned at last to me
We will call you Cygnus
The god of Balance you shall be

[VI. The Sphere A Kind of Dream]
We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same
We can run alone and free
If we pursue a different aim
Let the truth of love be lighted
Let the love of truth shine clear
Sensibility, armed with sense and liberty
With the Heart and Mind united in a single perfect Sphere


A boy alone, so far from home,
Endless rooftops from my window.
I felt the gloom of empty rooms
On rainy afternoons.
Sometimes, in confusion,
I felt so lost and disillusioned,
Innocence gave me confidence
To go up against reality.

All the same, we take our chances,
Laughed at by Time,
Tricked by Circumstances.
Plus ca change,
Plus c'est la meme chose,
The more that things change,
The more they stay the same.

Now I've gained some understanding
Of the only world that we see.
Things that I once dreamed of
Have become reality.
These walls that still surround me
Still contain the same old me,
Just one more who's searching for a world that ought to be.

 The Trees

There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas.

The trouble with the maples,
(And they're quite convinced the're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made.
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade.

There is trouble in the forest,
And the creatures all have fled,
As the maples scream `Oppression`
And the oaks, just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights.
"The oaks are just too greedy;
We will make them give us light."
Now there's no more oak oppression,
For they passed a noble law,
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw.

 La Villa Strangiato



I. Buenos Nochas, Mein Froinds! (0:00)
II. To Sleep, Perchance to Dream... (0:27)
III. Strangiato Theme (2:00)
IV. A Lerxst in Wonderland (3:16)
V. Monsters! (5:49)
VI. The Ghost of the Aragon (6:10)
VII. Danforth and Pape (6:45)
VIII. The Waltz of the Shreves (7:26)
IX. Never Turn Your Back on a Monster! (7:52)
X. Monsters! (Reprise) (8:03)
XI. Strangiato Theme (Reprise) (8:17)
XII. A Farewell to Things (9:17)


 Resultado de imagem para IRON MAIDEN

Iron Maiden

Walking through the city, looking oh so pretty
I've just got to find my way
See the ladies flashing
All there legs and lashes
I've just got to find my way

Well you see me crawling through the bushes
With it open wide
What you seeing girl?
Can't you believe that feeling, can't you believe it
Can't you believe your eyes?
It's the real thing girl

Got me feeling myself and reeling around
Got me talking but feel like walking around
Got me feeling myself and reeling a
Got me talking but nothing's with me
Got me feeling myself and reeling around

 Remember Tomorrow
Iron Maiden

Unchain the colours before my eyes
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher
I shall return from out of the fire

Tears for remembrance, and tears for joy
Tears for somebody and this lonely boy
Out in the madness, the all seeing eye
Flickers above us, to light up the sky

Unchain the colours before my eyes
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher
I shall return from out of the fire

 Remember Tomorrow
Iron Maiden

Unchain the colours before my eyes
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher
I shall return from out of the fire

Tears for remembrance, and tears for joy
Tears for somebody and this lonely boy
Out in the madness, the all seeing eye
Flickers above us, to light up the sky

Unchain the colours before my eyes
Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies
Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher
I shall return from out of the fire

 Phantom Of The Opera
Iron Maiden

I've been looking so long for you now you won't get away from my grasp
You've been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask
And you know and I know that you aint got long now to last
Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past

You're standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall
Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all
Yeah, I know that you're gonna scratch me, maim me and maul
You know I'm helpless from your mesmerising cat call

Keep your distance, walk away, don't take his bait
Don't you stray, don't fade away
Watch your step, he's out to get you, come what may
Don't you stray, from the narrow way

I'm running and hiding in my dreams you're always there
You're the phantom of the opera, you're the devil, you're just out to scare
You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air
Haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair

 Strange World
Iron Maiden

The only place where you can dream
Living here is not what it seems
Ship of white light in the sky
Nobody there to reason why

Here I am, I'm not really there
Smiling faces ever so rare
A let's walk in deepest space
Living here just isn't the place

Stalks of light come from the ground
When I cry there isn't a sound
All my feelings cannot be held
I'm happy in my new strange world

Shades of green grasses twine
Girls drinking plasma wine
A look at love, a dream unfolds
Living here, you'll never grow old

Don't you hear me call? Ooh

 Charlotte The Harlot
Iron Maiden

Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying?
Charlotte you're so refined when you take all the love that they're giving
Sticking with every man that you find, don't you know what they're after?
Charlotte you've got your legs in the air, don't you hear all the laughter?

Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs
Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed
Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood
Charlotte the Harlot let me see love

Taking so many men to your room, don't you feel no remorse?
You charge them a fiver, It's only for starters
And ten for the main course
And you've got no feelings, they died long ago
Don't you care who you let in?
And don't you know you're breaking the law with the service you're giving.

Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs
Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed
Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood
Charlotte the Harlot let me see love

There was a time when you left me standing there
Picking up pieces of love off the floor
Well Charlotte you left me alone in there
To make your ends as a bloody whore
Well Charlotte you told me you love me true
Picking up pieces of love yesterday
Well Charlotte you're draws are off color too
'Cause you're making love all day
'Cause you make it!
(oh, 'cause you make it!)

Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying?
Charlotte you're so refined when you take all the love that they're giving
Sticking with every man that you find, don't you know what they're after?
Charlotte you've got your legs in the air, don't you hear all the laughter?

Charlotte the Harlot show me your legs
Charlotte the Harlot take me to bed
Charlotte the Harlot let me see blood
Charlotte the Harlot let me see love

 Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden

Won't you come into my room
I wanna show you all my wares
I just want to see your blood
I just want to stand and stare
See the blood begin to flow
As it falls upon the floor
Iron Maiden can't be fought
Iron Maiden can't be sought

Oh well, wherever
Wherever you are
Iron Maiden's gonna get you
No matter how far
See the blood flow watching it shed
Up above my head
Iron Maiden wants you for dead

Won't you come into my room
I wanna show you all my wares
I just want to see your blood
I just want to stand and stare
See the blood begin to flow
As it falls upon the floor
Iron Maiden can't be faught
Iron Maiden can't be sought

Oh well, wherever
Wherever you are
Iron Maiden's gonna get you
No matter how far
See the blood flow watching it shed
Up above my head
Iron Maiden wants you for dead

Won't you come into my room
I wanna show you all my wares
I just want to see your blood
I just want to stand and stare
See the blood begin to flow
As it falls upon the floor
Iron Maiden can't be fought
Iron Maiden can't be sought

Oh well, wherever
Wherever you are
Iron Maiden's gonna get you
No matter how far
See the blood flow watching it shed
Up above my head
Iron Maiden wants you for dead

Efthimios "Themis" Tolis

 Resultado de imagem para Efthimios "Themis" Tolis

Efthimios "Themis" Tolis (born 28 March 1974, in Athens, Greece) is the drummer for Greek black metal band Rotting Christ. Along with his brother, vocalist and guitarist Sakis, he has been with the band since its inception in 1987.