quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2019




King Diamond


"We are gathered here tonight,
to lay to rest Abigail la Fey,
whom we now know was first born dead
on the seventh day of July, 1777.
Abigail must be nailed to her coffin with seven silver spikes,
one through each arm, hand, and knee,
and let the last of the seven be drawn through her mouth
so that she may never arise and cause evil again.
Who will be the first?"
"I, O'Brian of the Black Horsemen...."


King Diamond

"That must be it!"
Through the summer rain of 1845
The coach had finally arrived.
To the valley where the crossroads meet below,
And where all darkness seems to grow.
People blame it on the Hill....
The hill where no one dares to go....
The Mansion...where no one dares to go.
The coach had stopped, and from the window you could see
Seven horsemen in the night.
Miriam Natias and Jonathan la Fey
Saw the magic in their eyes.
They were in for a surprise....
The darkness would soon be complete.
A horseman came forth from the dark....
"We know you've come to inherit what's yours...The Mansion.
Take our advise and go back on this night.
If you refuse 18 will become 9...Oh No!"
Oh 18 is 9!
Jonathan laughed and said, "Get out of my way.
I don't believe a word you say."
The seven horsemen disappeared into the night.
"Someday you'll need our help, my friend...."
I think poor Jonathan was scared....
18 is actually 9...It stuck in his mind....

Compositor: king diamond

A Mansion In Darkness

King Diamond

Riding up the alley in the rain,
No lights to show the way.
How could this ever be their home?
Through the darkness you could only see
A giant shadow that swells to be
A house where evil rules at night
And the shadows at the gate, they seemed to be alive.
Yeah, the shadows at the gate -- alive.
Everything inside was left untouched
Except for what the rats had got,
And the dust of time that showed its mark.
Armed with candlelight and open eyes
Through the dark they fought their way
'Til every room was lit again....
And the house began to breathe, it seemed to be alive.
Yeah, the house began to breathe -- alive.
As the candlelight began to fade,
And Jonathan said, "Let's go to bed."
The fireplace had ceased to burn....
Both were fast asleep before the dawn, Dreaming...Dreaming....
And they did not know about the shadow....
Yeah, the shadow on the wall, it really came alive.
Yeah, the shadow on the wall -- Sunrise!

Compositor: Letra: King Diamond - Música: Andy LaRocque

The Family Ghost

King Diamond

The darkness came closer to home
on the following night
And Miriam slept like a rock
when Jonathan's face went white

The bedroom was ice cold
But the fire was burning still
The blinding light!
The Family Ghost had risen again
The Ghost!

"Don't be scared. don't be scared now, my friend
I am Count de la Fey
Let me take you to the crypt down below
Where Abigail rests

Let Miriam sleep
She never would understand
Now come let us go
It's time to know... "

"Beware of the slippery stairs
You could easily fall and break your neck!

Hand me that torch and I will lead the way
To the secret in the dark
Take a look into the vault... "
The sarcophagus of a child!

"Abigail has been in here for years and years... stillborn. "
"The spirit of Abigail is inside your wife
And there's only one way you can stop
the rebirth of Evil Itself
You must take her life now! "

The 7th Day Of July 1777

King Diamond


Count de LaFey uncovered his cheating wife.
Nine months of loving and sharing....
Oh, it was a bastard child!
How could he have been so blind?!
"No bastard baby will inherit what's mine!"
Another one of her affairs had left him in despair....
So he pushed her down the stairs to die. . .
"No!" she cried. . .
In 1777, on the 7th Day of July. . . .
The Countess broke her neck,
And the embryo came out dead.
Then he burned his beloved wife,
And the embryo he gave a name. . .
"Abigail, you must rest in shame!
Rest in shame!"
With a strange idea,
He wanted to mummify
The girl for the future to find . . . and he did.
So he pushed her down the stairs to die. . .
"No!" she cried. . .
In 1777, on the 7th Day of July. . . .


King Diamond


Nobody's inside the church, but the bell is ringing.
For no reason, the flowers are dying.
Oh, deadly Omens!
Oh, deadly Omens!
Inside the mansion, the air is unbearable -- a rotten smell.
In the dining room, the table is set for three.
Oh, deadly Omens!
Oh, deadly Omens!
"Miriam, come here and see what I've found. It's moving!
An empty cradle swaying in the air!
I did not bring it in here! Did you?!"
"No, no, no!"
Oh, deadly Omens!
Oh, deadly Omens

The Possession

King Diamond


On the very next morning
When the mist was eaten away by the sun,
Miriam grew hour by hour, and Jonathan he cried.
He knew the ghost had been telling the truth.
So this was 9!
The pregnancy would not last overnight!
Oh, she started singing a lullaby,
Rocking the cradle again,
And then she said, "I'm having your baby my love...."
But it wasn't love!
She was possessed . . . and he knew!
"I will get what is rightfully mine!"
Speaking with different tongues,
Miriam was eaten alive from inside.
Again she said, "I'm having your baby my love...."
But it wasn't love!
She was possessed . . . possessed!


King Diamond

"Abigail! I know you're in control of her brain, Abigail!
And I know that you're the one that's speaking through her,
Miriam, can you hear me??"
"I am alive inside your wife.
Miriam's dead. I am her head...."
"Abigail! Don't you think I know what you've done, Abigail?!
I'll get a priest! He will know how to get her soul back!"
"Oh, Jonathan! This is Miriam!
Our time is out!
Remember the stairs! It's the only way!"
"Abigail! Nothing I can do but give in, Abigail...."
"Jonathan, I agree.... Yes I do...."
"I am alive inside your wife.
Miriam's dead. I am her head....
Soon I'll be free!!!"

Black Horsemen

King Diamond


So, there they stood at the top of the stairs....
Miriam in the mood . . . Jonathan was scared.
Gazing into the dark, Jonathan saw this glow....
For a second, he turned his back,
And she was there like a ghost.
She pushed him hard and clean
. . . to the bottom of the stairs.

"Now we're finally alone, Miriam.
Abigail is here to stay!"
The birth of Abigail would soon be realized.
The second coming of a devil in disguise.
And the moon did not shine....
It was darker than ever before.
On this sacred night

The soul of Miriam was crying out in pain.
Remembering the day . . . Arrival in the rain . . .
The pain of labour was so strong that Miriam died.
Her final seeing was a pair of yellow eyes.
You can still hear her screaming
If you're walking the stairs in July....
Riding from beyond,

The seven Horsemen would arrive before the dawn.
Servants of the Count when Abigail was born the first time.
Oh, no!
They found her in the sarcophagus.
Baby Abigail was eating . . . oh, I cannot tell you . . . .

"Take her . . . and bring her
To the chapel in the forest.
So go now . . . The ceremony!
And the coffin's waiting...."
The Black Horsemen
That's the end of another lullaby....
Time has come for me to say goodnight....


King Diamond


The night is rising my eyes
Even in the dark I know i'm alive

I am burning for you,
yeah you know its true.

Voices are calling in the night
Breaking the changing sleep of night
I see your face i can't deny it
Darkness you are a holy shrine

The night, awake us tonight
This is where we all meet
the ones left behind

I am burning for you,
yeah you know it's true.

Voices are calling in the night
Breaking the changing sleep of night
I see your face i can't deny it
Darkness you are a holy shrine


Voices are calling in the night
Breaking the changing sleep of night
I see your face i can't deny it
Darkness you are a holy shrine

The night, awake us tonight
This is where we all meet
The ones left behind

I am burning for you,
yeah you know it's true.

Voices are calling in the night
Breaking the changing sleep of night
I see your face i can't deny it
Darkness you are a holy shrine

I am burning for you... I am burning for you...

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