sábado, 11 de maio de 2019


 Port Royal

Hundred masts, thirty flags
An island in the gulf of Darien
Sandglass, bloody heart
Flying high above the scene

Mariners with loaded guns
Are still waiting at the quay
A hungry fleet from underworld
"Freedom" is the law they pray

"Black Strap", rum and gin
Sexual freedom all the way
A rolling dice, an ace of hearts
One shall win and one's to pay

Concord and freedom
No need for the Holy Writ
Rebellions, non-servile
Spitting on religious hypocrites


Port Royal
A cry of freedom on the sea

When the "Oxford", hits the sea
Slave driver learns the Moses law
There is no chance, they can't escape
They hunt them down and eat'em raw

Gin Lane, New Providence
It all is now since a long time gone
But there are still descendants
Port Royal's spirit lives forever on

Port Royal
A cry of freedom on the sea

Raging Fire
Running Wild

Can you see the licking flame
Waiting for its time
Its increasing energy
Preparing for the prime

Fed up with your boring prate
All senses gettin lost
Second to none our flame shall rouse
Just like a growing host

Raging Fire burning down the walls
Raging Fire the rebellion force
Raging Fire all across the lands
Raging Fire fights in self defense

The anger grows on and on
The young stand up and fight
No more lies and censorship
All oppressed stand tight

Raging Fire burning down the walls
Raging Fire the rebellion force
Raging Fire all across the lands
Raging Fire fights in self defense

Wake up break the silence
Come on join our league
We must stand defiant
To dethrone this breed

Into the Arena
Running Wild

They imagine a heaven
Talk about hell
They can't live without a remission

Plentiful punishment for
Numerous sins
Suffering their own cruel invention

Their heaven is boring
Their hell's a state joke
Faith is their one vindication

Doubt is forbidden
Joy is tabooed
For a folly there's no hesitation

Sacrifice their life for a lie
A thousand sheep have come to die
Down the thumb there's no remorse
It's the time for martyrs

Into the Arena - go down
Into the Arena - show-down now
Into the Arena - the beasts are prepared
Into the Arena

Hunting the witches
Considered to be
Riding on brooms in the dark night

No mercy for people
Who dare to oppose
Medieval church was a scourge in its pride

Millions of people
Killed for the cross
By relentless religion - disgusting

There is no excuse
For things they have done
In the name of their God
It's a bad thing

Sacrifice their life for a lie
A thousand sheep have come to die
Down the thumb there's no remorse
It's the time for martyrs

Into the Arena - go down
Into the Arena - show-down now
Into the Arena - the beasts are prepared
Into the Arena

Lock your door the Priest is Coming
Beware of All the Parsons

Today it's all different
A daring contention
They talk about love and forgiving

But still they are hunting
Now we are the victims
Maybe they are envious for our living

Sacrifice their life for a lie
A thousand sheep have come to die
Down the thumb there's no remorse
It's the time for martyrs

Into the Arena - go down
Into the Arena - show-down now
Into the Arena - the beasts are prepared
Into the Arena

Running Wild

No more eagles gonna ride the wind
Turning circles in the sky
Badlands growing and the bison's gone
Uaschitschun tell me why

Why'd you kill my creed
Claiming earth and wind
You never kept your vow
But you can't lock me in

I'm riding free
Riding free with the wind
Free as an eagle
Proud as a king

My mother's the earth
And my father's the wind
You can't possess them, they are free
It's time for you to see what you have done
Can't hold my soul cause I will flee

Why you kill yourself
Ravage what you need to live
You can't eat your gold
Nature's calling you

"Only when the last tree has been felt
The last fish caught
The last river poisoned
Will you know
That men cannot eat money
No more eagles gonna ride the wind
Turning circles in the sky
Badlands growing and the bison's gone
Uaschitschun tell me why

Why'd you kill my creed
Claiming earth and wind
You never kept your vow
But you can't lock me in

I'm riding free
Riding free with the wind
Free as an eagle
Proud as a king

My mother's the earth
And my father's the wind
You can't possess them, they are free
It's time for you to see what you have done
Can't hold my soul cause I will flee

Why you kill yourself
Ravage what you need to live
You can't eat your gold
Nature's calling you

"Only when the last tree has been felt
The last fish caught
The last river poisoned
Will you know
That men cannot eat money

Foto do artista Running Wild
Running Wild

Exploring the seas to conquer new lands
Troops arrayed by the church
Sanctified and blessed they set out
Crusaders, gentiles' scourge

They fight, they kill, they rape
Under the banner of the 'holy' church
They hunt, they lie, they cheat, they steal
Doing dirty deeds

Hungry for gold
Doing as the religious madman told
Religion's knight
Havoc and death caused by pride

Pearls of glass for ingots of gold
Violence, force and deceit
Taking the wealth or the Indian's life
Their way of feeding their greed

Heathen must turn to Christianity
It's like 'believe or die'
Arrogance and blindness, religion's force
Believers never ask the reason why

 Blown to Kingdom Come
Running Wild

Out in the world
You can watch'em struggling
For a small piece of luck
They won't die with a smile on their trace

For possession they'd kill their mothers
For some bucks they deny themselves
And the whole world is right in that trace

They are Riding Forth
No time to lose
Got to alter every place
They are Riding Forth
No way to choose
And the next step's out to space

With a high hand they watch their buildings
Self-righteously praise their deeds
No time for recess on their way

In a way it is quite amusing
But it's a fake of deepest dye
Let's hope they'll see it one day

They are Riding Forth
No time to lose
Got to alter every place
They are Riding Forth
No way to choose
And the next step's out to space

Pay Attention to History
Look at All the Things They've Done
No Remains, There's No Thing Left
It's All Blown to Kingdom Come

Running Wild

When I was a kid they taught me their rules
We did anything they want
We did it like fools
Their book was holy, we learned it by heart
Their holy fight, we had to take part
Exploited and cheated my life was a mess
Religion and war, we were possessed

Inspired and brave, out to the field
So blind that we couldn't see
Our destiny was sealed
We tried to fight, fell one by one
Disillusion, our belief had gone
Exploding shell tore off my legs
Senses faded by the grenade cracks

Warchild, Warchild
We fought and died for it... we are

Warchild, Warchild
We cried and bleed for it

Wake up now

Running Wild

Pain of hunger's growing stronger
The wages are gone
Can't wait no longer
I have to sign on under every flag
If I want to live, I have to fag

Engaged, I hit the sea
Never thought of mutiny
The work is hard, the pay is low
We're treated bad, our anger grows

The water barrels going bad
Daily a sailor dies by fag
Whip cracks pain's their holy law
If they're going too far this means war

Stand up and fight

A seaman disobeys a law
The whip cracks, flowing gore
He gets a hundred cuts, one too much
His death feeds our grudge

The waterbarrels going bad
Daily a sailor dies by fag
Whip cracks pain's their holy law
If they're going too far this means war

With grinning looks we precede
Revenge for the ones who'd bleed
Encircling bastards who killed
Their eyes show fear, they're thrilled

 Calico Jack
Running Wild

Up with the roger, the vessel is close
Cannons are loaded the weapons prepared
Set up more sails the distande grows
They try to escape but we shan't care

Calico Jack Listen and hear my command
Calico Jack I lead you to victory
Calico Jack We shall win in the end
Calico Jack You maybelieve what I foresee

Down with the roger, the vessel's too far
It's time for the flag, no remorse
Anne and Mary, more rum in my jar
I need more refreshment before we set course

Changing the course now, we must fet in touch
Triple afford, he must not escape
Our breath in their neck they feel our grudge
We have to hurry to get them in scrape


Acrid smell of smoke in the air
While flag's rising, mainmast breaks
Ears go deaf by my brother's blare
Upper deck is taken over

All of sudden a yelling cry
Ports turn open, what a mess
Soldiers get out 'n'comrades die
Desperate fights, we're on the loose


John Rackham
You are charged with murder and piracy of the high seas
In the name of Her Majesty you will be taken from this court
And hung, drawn and quartered

What are your last words, accused?


My last words? Ha ha!!!
Who do you think you are?!
What right have you to judge over my destiny?!
Take your pompous words and stick'em where the sun don't shine
I swear we meet again

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